
Welcome to We Are Seeds! Press to plant a message on the map at your current location.

Click on others' plants on the map to see the messages hidden inside!


Plant a Message


We Are Seeds


In We Are Seeds you move around the real world and use your phone or other device to plant positive messages of love, strength, support, and community. Other players can find and read these messages and when they do the message will grow, eventually into a giant beautiful flower.

You will need to allow We Are Seeds access to your device's location to play.

When playing location based games always be careful, stay aware of your surroundings, and practice common sense.

You can add this page to your homescreen on your mobile device through your browser's menu for smoother access.

To plant a seed at your location on the map, press the plant button and then select which message you would like to plant. After you plant a message you must wait for a while before you can plant another. As the number of messages you've planted increases this wait time will get longer. You can't plant a message too close to other plants that are already there.

When you click on a plant on the map you will be presented with the message inside! If you have not seen that message before the paper will be green and it will be added to your library of messages so that you can plant it later. If you are currently waiting after planting a message before you can plant another, that wait time will be reduced by reading the message. You can click on plants to read their messages multiple times but you can't read the same plant's message more than once per hour.

The number of times people have read messages planted by you is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen.

You can click the logout button to log out.

I need to delete a flower

Click the Delete Flower button below and then click on the flower you wish to delete.

About We Are Seeds

We Are Seeds was developed by Emily "Blackwool" McAllan, Dave Reece, and Ashton "Acegiak" McAllan under the MachineSpirit banner for #ResistJam. It uses Ruby On Rails at the backend and leaflet.js and on the front end. Thanks also to all the people who helped submit messages to be planted in flowers.